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Social Media; An Unparalleled lead to Social Media

Hey this is nayab mukhtar and the main purpose of this humble Binte Hawwa is to provide you with a complete guide about social media. The most trending, the most used and the most time consuming thing of this era. Yup we can’t negate it’s ups as well as downs.

As we know that nothing is perfect in this world but have have a bright as well as dark side. So my aim is to give you an informative guide regarding this. It would help me, you and your kith and kins knowing about this most viral trend.

Bright Side

So my doods first of all I would like to inform you about it’s bright side as we all notice the qualities and goodnesses of things in our lives we deal with. yeah I would not hesitate to say that it’s our second teacher. As we have realized that a teacher teaches each and every thing to his pupil so does social media. Providing us with every knowledge of this era. As we know that a teacher helps his student in solving a minor and a also a major mistake so does social media. Now we are no farther apart from any thing we longed for.

World Tour

Social Media, Social Networks, Digital Platforms, Online Communities, Social Channels, Networking Sites, Social Platforms, Internet Forums, Web Media, Community Sites, Social Hubs,
An Unparalleled lead to Social Media

I can visit the whole world sitting here in my small town. i can see the bed of dark clouds covering the canopy sky n many miles away from me. I can hear the melody of songs of nature here sitting in my humble town. I can fulfill my dream of being an astronomer where I have no opportunities to do this but i can enjoy it cz of social media.

It’s not just a teacher but it’s mah friend who is always with me when I am alone sitting in darkness of scary night. No one is here to give me company but oooops don’t worry no one but social media is. yeah I am not afraid of being alone. Yup I can see far off places.

Be Encyclopedia

Social Media, Social Networks, Digital Platforms, Online Communities, Social Channels, Networking Sites, Social Platforms, Internet Forums, Web Media, Community Sites, Social Hubs,
An Unparalleled lead to Social Media

I can enjoy my study sitting here in my humble town where no one to help me but social media. I can be an Encyclopedia in my own. No one is now deprived of knowledge. He can study by it’s own if he has an access to social media. He can compete people in field of education. He an get any kinda clue about social media. He can create opportunities for him if does not have any support of any one. Studies is no more difficult now a days as compared to ancient days when studies institutes were far off. Poeple had to migrate for studies. They had to keep themselves being safe of being theft, being killed. They had to beg for their lives. But now a days it’s a blessing of Allah that we have opportunities of getting free education. If we live in a small town where we don’t have opportunities of getting education we have no problem now a days at least.

Global Village

Social Media, Social Networks, Digital Platforms, Online Communities, Social Channels, Networking Sites, Social Platforms, Internet Forums, Web Media, Community Sites, Social Hubs,
An Unparalleled lead to Social Media

Social Media is thing that makes bound between you and your kith and kins. It makes the world a global a global village. There is no excuse to negate it’s worth at all. In this advanced era the one who does not se social media is considered as man void of sense. He is considered as not able of living in this world. He s considered as dull and dumb who can’t deal this era. And this is the problem we all have that a person is lifeless without social media. That person can’t make himself able to live here.

In this era when a big race between people has been commenced, every one tries to make best of his efforts.

So the social media makes people connected all the time. It makes a magnetic bound between masses. They are no more farther away from each other. They can enjoy a big conversation among them.

Digital Heart of the world the Social media

Social Media is the Digital heart of the World that is pulsating continuously as human heartbeat does. Now a days blood of world can’t be circulated without social media. It’s a big connection between World and masses. Where the world is a whole body and social media is it’s heartbeat that pulsate to keep it’s circulation organized and calm. It circulates people’s expressions, emotions, experiences, and information they hold.

Social Media a Playground

social media is a digital and online playground that is so immense and vast that the whole world can play here. Providing opportunities to the people for every thing they wanna do. People can enjoy their playing by sharing their thoughts, ideas, emotions, experiences, and all the information they hold. Even they can share any kinda information between their rivals and teammates participating in this game nd making use of this digital playground. Also people can connect with each other by playing their passions in this online, unique and most usable playground.

Social Media holds so much advantages that we can’t neglect it’s worth. It plays a key role in social as well as individual life.

Social Media, Social Networks, Digital Platforms, Online Communities, Social Channels, Networking Sites, Social Platforms, Internet Forums, Web Media, Community Sites, Social Hubs,
An Unparalleled lead to Social Media

Online jobs

It provides online jobs sitting at home. We can do online work at mobile, Laptop and any other digital device through social media. It provides us jobs for future. Such as some jobs are here that can earn you a handsome salary. Jobs are as follows;

1.SEO Search Engine Optimization

2.Digital Marketing

3. Content Marketing

4. Trading etc

other jobs and opportunities that can build your future.

Online Shopping

Shopping by your own taste and choice is no more difficulty or problem cauze you can do this through online process. It provides us many chances and opportunities that you are no more limited to only some choices and designs. You can try each and every unique and modern design sitting at home.

you can’t say that you belong to a conservative family and you can’t enjoy modernism. you have too much choices now. no one can hinder you enjoy beauty and variety of nature. you are provided with so many apps on soxial media that you far away from it by just a click. you just have to click once and get all chances of excitement.

So it is a way to enjoy full luxuries. Yeah your life is also luxurious now. you are also now free. Now you are no more bonded to conservative atmosphere. Soxial Media has broken all that limits that bound you to such boundaries where you can’t breath with your own will.

Dark Side

But wait wait story does not end here. There is also a dark side of picture also. Let you know about that.

Time Wastage

Social Media, Social Networks, Digital Platforms, Online Communities, Social Channels, Networking Sites, Social Platforms, Internet Forums, Web Media, Community Sites, Social Hubs,
Time Wastage

I would not hesitate to say that the only thing that take much time of today’s youth is this. Our youth today is continuously busy in it , even Me also. Most of young generation spend much of their time in social media and don’t realize that they are going far off their kith and kins. They even don’t realize that they are gone far off their parents, siblings and other near and dear but when it passes they repent. Then they realize that they have lost so much, something precious in their race. They were longing for temporary happiness and attraction but have lost their permanent smile their real world.

But this thing is only realized by only some people who really love their lives. while others ignore this.

Illegal Activities

Social Media, Social Networks, Digital Platforms, Online Communities, Social Channels, Networking Sites, Social Platforms, Internet Forums, Web Media, Community Sites, Social Hubs,
Illegal Activities

Now a days social media causes many illegal activities that cause some serious and sensitive issues. Some people use this for only illegal activities to make someone’s life full of troublesome. some people fall addict to drugs using this considering it a trend on social media such as smoking, drinking and other addictions. Even social media is also a drug for them whose which they are addicts.

Hackers and Crackers perform this task illegally to access someone’s sensitive information such as credit card number, password of any digital device, stealing someone’s data, distortion of data, disturbance in data, unauthorized access to any sensitive data in digital device etc. So it’s all about on us that how we use any thing made for our welfare.

Social Media, Social Networks, Digital Platforms, Online Communities, Social Channels, Networking Sites, Social Platforms, Internet Forums, Web Media, Community Sites, Social Hubs,
Illegal Activities

More ever As a Muslim i would not hesitate o say that all these things are HARAM in our Sacred religion Islam. Even use of of Social Media is very limited , like we listen music for just entertainment and mind relaxation, it is haram in our religion. We consider it a pill to relief pain.

Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH also declared it illegal. It’s not a mind relaxation but a kind of hipnotyzing mind for haram things. Real Peace does not lie in it.

Once you fully fall ill to addict o social media, you can’t get rid of it. You have blessed your life for this Congrats.

So it’s upon us that how we see a picture, it’s dark side where their is scary darkness, roughness and scars or the bright side which is full of glitters that shines your life. having beauty and complete calm.

Xanxxxx for Reading and pondering over my this small article. Hope you got something from it and I excuse for any mistake as nothing is perfect in this world.



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